When you layer, you get the benefits of the individual oils (the multiple constituents) – one at a time, in a specific succession.
Many EO users have gotten used to the fast – and easy – use of rollerballs. While roll-ons (combining EOs together in a bottle, capped with a rollerball) are great, using a layering method can be incredibly beneficial in a different way.
With roll-ons you get a specific synergy that is created… it is something other than the SUM of its parts.
Let’s dig a bit deeper…
Layering is a way to place single species oils (often called Single EOs as opposed to “blends” or “synergies”) on your body, one at a time, in a specific order.
You can apply them neat or diluted with a carrier oil, depending on the location and reason for use. Generally, neat use of EOs is limited to first-aid type situations (e.g., headache, bug bit). To learn more, please search our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/powersaromatherapy) or contact us.
The Basic Instructions:
- We always suggest diluting with a carrier oil at the beginning, and at the end, of layering to help protect your skin and to assist in absorption of the EOs.
- Add each oil, 1 at a time, in succession.
- Rub each oil into your skin for 30-60 seconds before applying the next.
- Give yourself a mini 1 to 2 minute massage after applying all the oils (including your ending carrier oil).
The best way to layer is to choose 3 or 5 single EOs that match a profile (yet balance each other), such as 3 calming EOs – or 3 strengthening EOs – and adding a couple of other EOs to balance them.
An example may be that for a healthy immunity you could layer 3 oils that have a strong affinity toward immunity support with 1 calming oil and 1 flushing oil. So, you might choose Oregano, Clove, and Tea Tree, then add Lavender and Lemon.
Yes, you can layer using blends, but it is recommended that you do not use more than 20% blends in a recipe. For example, if you are using 5 EOs, make sure no more than 1 EO is a blend. If you are layering with 10 oils, make sure no more than 2 are blends. Get it? Layering works best with single species, but sometimes using a very specific synergy is amazing too. Some blends to consider as your first oil placement would be:
- Valor®
- Thieves®
- RC™
- Stress Away™
- PanAway™
Some Suggested Layering Recipes:
Application Location:
Back of Neck
Oils to Use in Order:
- Copaiba
- Frankincense
- Lavender
Application Location:
Back of Neck or Wrists
Oils to Use in Order:
- Lavender
- Sacred Frankincense
- Vetiver
Application Location:
Feet & Back of Neck
Oils to Use in Order:
- Frankincense
- Lavender
- Oregano
- Clove
- Lemon
Note: You MUST use a carrier oil (at least at the beginning) for this layering recipe.
Application Location:
Feet & Back of Neck
Oils to Use in Order:
- Thieves®
- Oregano
- Tea Tree
- Frankincense
- Bergamot
Note: You MUST use a carrier oil (at least at the beginning) for this layering recipe.
Application Location: Desired Location
Oils to Use in Order:
- PanAway®
- Copaiba
- Lavender
- Peppermint
#LayeringEOs #LayeringEssentialOils #Layering #LayeringRecipes #EssentialOils101 #EO101