Diffusing distributes the molecules into the air so effectively that it’s an excellent way to maximize the beneficial properties of your essential oils and blends.

Diffuser Blend Stock Bottles are crafted so that you can simply drop the appropriate number of drops into your ultrasonic diffuser to support the issue of concern.

The number of drops you use often depends on your diffuser, but I generally recommend no more than 6 drops for short-term use and no more than 12 drops for all-day/-night intermittent diffusing.

Remember the adage of “less is more” when it comes to essential oil use. The oils will stay in the air even after you’ve turned off your diffuser.

Choose a Diffuser Blend Stock Bottle for its therapeutic benefits, scent, or both! When you choose a blend for its scent just be sure that you’re not using it a time of day when you need the opposite of its therapeutic effects.

Choose from the below Formula Blend Diffuser Blend Stock Bottles or create a Custom Blend Diffuser Blend Stock Bottle by scheduling an Aromatherapy Consultation.

All the Zzz’s

Formula Blend
Crafted to support restful sleep

Body Awake

Formula Blend
Crafted to support physical energy

Breathe Free

Formula Blend
Crafted to combat sinus discomfort

Clean Is Keen

Formula Blend
Crafted to purify your environment

In Focus

Formula Blend
Crafted to enhance concentration

Insects 86’d

Formula Blend
Crafted to repel insects

Mind Awake

Formula Blend
Crafted to support mental energy

No Worries

Formula Blend
Crafted to relieve anxious feelings

Stress 86’d

Formula Blend
Crafted to combat stress

The Happy Place

Formula Blend
Crafted to elevate mood